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How To Reclaim Your Space for The New Year

Welcoming in the new year with new space? Recently moved or finding new places for your items, taking back your space after the holidays can be simple with the right storage. Reclaiming your space does not have to be a challenge and our holiday storage tips can help. Home Star Storage has a storage facility in Memphis, TN, and options to help you reclaim your home after the holidays. Find new year storage tips and a storage unit near you today at Home Star Storage. 

Wrangle the extra power cords, put away the wreaths, and enjoy the clean space with these holiday storage tips for the start of the new year. 

How To Store The Holidays

    1. Use a coat hanger to store wreaths
    2. Cardboard boxes make the perfect dividers and recycle boxes
    3. Use paper towel tubes to keep extension cords untangled
    4. Egg cartons make a great ornament holder
    5. Unused garment bags are helpful when storing wrapping paper

Home Star Storage in Memphis TN Offers: 

    1. Interior Storage Units 
    2. Personalized Access Codes
    3. Access to Your Storage Unit Every Day
    4. Wide Drive Isles for Moving Trucks 

Get started today! Renting a self storage unit here at Home Star Storage is meant to be easy. We offer online rentals! Our customers who have stored before or know exactly what they want can save time choosing a storage unit online!

Need assistance when choosing a storage unit? Our managers in the office can walk you through our storage prices and storage options. Home Star Storage is here to help you store! 


Home Star Storage in Memphis TN

Our location in Memphis TN is directly off Summer Ave near Grahamwood. Find directions to our storage location near Memphis TN and reclaim your space for the new year. 

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Katie Mest

About the Author: Katie Mest is an SEO Specialist at Storage Asset Management in York, PA. She specializes in writing about the self storage industry, including storage tips and helpful resources. Outside of work, Katie enjoys camping, hiking, and exploring the outdoors with her newly adopted Greyhound rescue, Titan.